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Kinetics of copolymerization

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What is copolymerization reaction?

In polymer chemistry, a copolymer is a polymer derived from more than one species of monomer. The polymerization of monomers into copolymers is called copolymerization.

What is the difference between polymerization and copolymerization?

is that polymerization is (chemistry) the chemical process, normally with the aid of a catalyst, to form a polymer by bonding together multiple identical units (monomers) while copolymerization is the polymerization of multiple monomers to form a copolymer.

What is by copolymerization give one example of copolymer?

A copolymer is a polymer that is made up of two or more monomer species. Many commercially important polymers are copolymers. Examples include polyethylene-vinyl acetate (PEVA), nitrile rubber, and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS).

What do you mean by co polymer?

A copolymer is a polymer formed when two (or more) different types of monomers are linked in the same polymer chain, as opposed to a homopolymer where only one monomer is used.

What are the benefits of copolymerization?

Traditionally, copolymers perform better than homopolymer POMs in centerline porosity, property retention over a longer period and slightly lower crystallinity. This lower crystallinity leads to lower melting temperature for copolymer, and lower melting temperature leads to faster cycle time and higher productivity.

What are the advantages of copolymerization?

Copolymerization permits the synthesis of an almost unlimited range of polymers and is often used, therefore, to obtain a better balance of properties for the commercial application of polymeric materials. Copolymers may be synthesized by chain growth and step growth condensation polymerization processes.

What is graft copolymerization?

Graft copolymer is a type of copolymer in which one or more blocks of homopolymer are grafted as branches onto a main chain, meaning it is a branched copolymer with one or more side chains of a homopolymer attached to the backbone of the main chain.